Improve Your Golf Swing Without Practicing You Can & Will Hit The Ball Better!

Being able to hit the golf ball better is possible … it isn’t a myth! Yet, golf lesson after golf lesson and swing tip after swing tip … most Golfers don’t realize much improvement after 2 or 3 years of trying to improve. Why is this? Our golf swing can only function as well as […]
Improve How You Get Through The Ball Without A Golf Club

There are 3 ways you can improve your golf swing: You can buy new equipment You can take lessons and practice Improve the machine (you) which allows #1 & #2 to create better consistency and power Your golf clubs are only as good as you allow them to be. They don’t swing themselves! The person holding the club determines […]
Fix Your Tight Achy Back To Improve Your Golf Swing

Do you think your tight back is helping or hurting your golf swing? Or do the muscles in your back have little effect on how consistent you hit the golf ball? If you want to hit the golf ball better when you finish with your winter golf break … this time of year is “muy importante!” Because if you refuse to […]
Conditioning Your Hips For More Power In Your Golf Swing!!!

Think Of Your Golf Swing As If You’re A Machine! Having more consistent golf swing mechanics is the difference between struggling as a 20+ handicap versus having the confidence of a 10 handicap. However, these swing mechanics can only be incorporated into your golf swing once your body is ready.Most Golfers are trying to force the ‘correct’ swing mechanics […]