Think Of Your Golf Swing As If You’re A Machine!
Having more consistent golf swing mechanics is the difference between struggling as a 20+ handicap versus having the confidence of a 10 handicap. However, these swing mechanics can only be incorporated into your golf swing once your body is ready.Most Golfers are trying to force the ‘correct’ swing mechanics into a body that might not be physically able (at this point) to allow those swing techniques.


So the Golfer goes on yet another search for more golf swing tips because the previous ones aren’t working. Thus, adding even more swing thoughts on top of all the other golf swing tips that you’ve already tried!

Every machine needs to be properly maintained if it’s going to work effectively and consistently … and your body is the most important machine in your life!

‘Most People Treat Their Car Better Than They Treat Their Body — Though, You Can’t Lease A New Body Every Two Years!’
You can start the process of training your body to allow for proper swing mechanics by watching this week’s Golf Improvement Weekly Video –