The Joe Pro Golf Show

Just because a Golf Tip is given by one of the greatest Golfers to ever play, doesn’t mean it’s for you …

The Joe Pro Show: Joe Pro Is Inside Out

Joe Pro says …Creating An Inside Out Swing PathIs Essential To Hitting A Good Golf Shot So today we work on controlling The Crotch PlaneTo bring your club on the perfect Inside Path PLUS, we’ll be using …The Latest Technology To Track Spin Rates & Smash Factors #FlogStyle

Understand Your Strengths And Weaknesses To Achieve Success

Who Said It Best On The PGA Tour This Week? Webb Simpson, The 2020 RBC Heritage Champion Are Tour Players Content With Every Part Of Their Game? Absolutely not. Much of the Golf world simply categorize PGA Tour Players As ‘The Best’ Yet, Tour Players have strengths and weaknesses Just like you & I Webb […]

Golf Improvement Weekly Live!

In This Week’s Golf Improvement Weekly LIVE Improve Your Power With a Tool From Your Shed And You’ll Be Stronger, Happier, and Healthier Than Ever If You Stay Til The End Of The Video   For A Good Workout Healthy Food AND Great Tunes With Friends To End The Evening   Let’s Share This Happy […]

Strategy On The Tee Box

You can play more consistent golf without working on your swing And this is how! Does It Matter The Side Of The Tee Box You Drive From? Using A Strategy Of What Side Of The Tee Box You Should Tee Up On And how to decide your best plan based on your skill and tendencies […]

12 Questions To Ask When Choosing The Best Golf School

When researching and choosing the best golf school for you there are questions that we recommend asking your prospective golf pro and trainer, prior to selecting them. Below you will find a list of 12 questions to ask to get the best golf school. Do your Golf Instructors work full time for your company? Or […]

For Consistency & Distance: Find Your Natural Golf Swing And You’ll Find Both!

Consistency and Distance aren’t given … these two wants are earned! A Golfer must be able to feel their golf swing to be able to repeat it (consistency) A Golfer must understand how their body moves in the backswing (the creation of power) Without the ability to feel your golf swing, or having a firm understanding […]

Why Are You Topping & Hitting Behind The Golf Ball?

Playing your best golf is fun … playing less than your best is frustrating! Much of the Inconsistency a Golfer experiences can be related to how you swing the club back in preparation to swinging forward to hit the golf ball. For example: when you feel as if you picked-up (or raised) your head when hitting the […]

Skipping Stones To Get Through The Golf Ball! This Simple Video Tip Will Help!

How you move your body through the golf swing directly effects how your hands and arms deliver the golf club into the back of the ball. So much so, that if your body isn’t moving naturally … your hands and arms will make inconsistent compensations that’ll negatively effect the direction (and distance) you hit the golf ball. Thus, being able to […]

Hit The Golf Ball On The Course As Well As You Do On The Range!

When you analyze your golf swing … do you judge yourself by how well you hit the ball on the Driving Range … or how you play on the golf course? Your answer interests me because I’ve never met a human that hits the ball equally as well in both places … with Mo Norman […]

Is My Golf Swing More Mental Or Physical?!

Whether Golf is more ‘Mental or Physical’ has been debated for as long as I’ve been around the game … and started well before I stepped on this planet. Is one more important than the other … or is it a balance that creates a consistent golf swing? When one’s mind isn’t clear … it’s difficult […]

‘You Can Practice Distance & Accuracy At The Same Time Using This Drill!’

Finding the perfect combination of distance and accuracy should be at the top of the list for any Golfer that wants to have fun playing golf. Because when you do find your swing … you hit your best, most satisfying golf shots.   Though, most Golfers we meet are working on their golf swing with the […]

Use Natural Hip & Body Movement To Create Consistency & Power In Your Golf Swing

Use Natural Hip & Body Movement To Create Consistency & Power

‘It’s As Simple As A Wood-Chop! Chop Wood For Golf Swing Consistency!’   Consistency is more easily repeated when your body works together to create a powerful golf swing. Yet, because much of the Golf Instruction that’s readily available focuses on working on individual parts until their perfect: hips, shoulders, arms, wrists, weight shift, head down, left arm straight. Many Golfers become ‘Head Cases’ […]

Create Power In Your Golf Swing For More Distance

Create Power In Your Golf Swing For More Distance

‘Learn To Balance Accuracy With The Desire For Distance’ When you try to smash the ball as far as you can … you’ll see your accuracy decrease Which often leads many Golfers to being overly focused on swinging slower than they are capable of … just so you can “Keep The Ball In Play” Which causes you to hit the ball 20 yards less than you should […]

Are You Over The Top? Swinging Outside In?

Why Am I Coming Over The Top? What Causes It To Happen Continually? Am I Working Too Hard On Completely Trying To Fix It? How Concerned Should I Be? Are you looking to eliminate your slice, or at least not slice as much? Do you want to draw the golf ball?   Become a Golfer where you can […]