40,000,000+ Pounds Of Food Is Saved!!!
Each year in Detroit by Forgotten Harvest
Delivering 138,000 pounds of surplus food per day, 6 days a week
They rescue fresh, healthy food from local caterers, restaurants, wholesalers, bakeries, hospitals
And then deliver to 250 emergency pantries, shelters, soup kitchens & mobile pantries
Providing healthy meals to people who really are in need of fresh food
This is an issue that causes children and adults to go hungry each day
In the US, food waste is estimated at between 30 to 40 percent of the food produced
This estimate, corresponded to approximately 133 billion pounds of food in 2010
Yes, that’s just 1 year in the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kirk Mayes, CEO of Forgotten Harvest – “There’s a lot of the food that we have right now that’s being wasted. There’s room to be more efficient with what we already have. There are ways that we can actually improve the gaps between what’s needed and what’s used”
You can watch him speak here