Isaac is going athletic for his
2020 Korn Ferry Tour Champion Prediction
There is a 23 year old who is flipping the traditional view of Golfers
Proving that to be great at golf you must also be a great athlete
James Nicholas is that athlete
Have you ever heard these statements?
Golfers are unathletic.
Golfers are out of shape.
Golfers can’t keep up with real athletes like hockey or football players.
That’s what we’ve been led to believe…
Flogstyle believes the best golfers are all-round athletes.
While only in highschool, Nicholas was getting offers from multiple colleges
To play football, hockey, lacrosse, and golf.
And with numerous athletic and academic opportunities,
Nicholas ultimately chose to play football for the Yale Bulldogs.
While playing football at Yale, he broke his collarbone
And had to reconsider his future as an athlete.
Understandably, he decided to focus on golf.
A true demonstration of athletic talent,
Nicholas became a Two-Time Ivy League Player of the Year (2018, 2019).
Keep in mind, he didn’t start taking golf seriously until 2017…
That’s right, he went from a 74.5 scoring average
To Ivy League Player of the Year
With over five strokes cut off his scoring average.
Now based on his rapid skill development,
I’m predicting he goes from playing Monday Qualifiers…
To the leading money winner on the Korn Ferry Tour.
He’s got the intelligence for golf too.
Nicholas grew up in a “school-first” household
Where he learned to work hard but play harder.
His father went to Harvard,
And his Grandfather designed the knee brace
That helped Joe Namath lead the New York Jets to win Super Bowl III.
James Nicholas comes from a background of hard work and dedication.
The results showed as he graduated from Yale in 2019
With a degree in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Outside of sports and school… James is also talented
Give him a follow on Instagram @jamesnicholas55
and his YouTube posted below.
He is quite the creative type.
His travels around the world and golf coverage
Is the true Flogstyle way…
Viewing golf differently!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQMagi8Rdkw[/embedyt]
Not to mention…
Nicholas is off to a blazing start in his professional golf career
On the Korn Ferry Tour
In qualifying for his first event,
He faced a field of 264 athletes
Including a Five-Time PGA Tour winner,
2 European Tour winners,
And other seasoned Tour players.
With only four spots available for both Monday Qualifiers,
He knew it was going to be a major feat.
In a conversation prior to the event he stated
“I know Monday qualifiers are a long shot but there’s gonna be 4 players who make it through. Why not me? Time to make it happen.”
Firing a bogey-free 61 to beat the field by five shots was his answer.
Due to his athletic talent, hard work, and proven intelligence,
Nicholas is a force to be reckoned with on the Korn Ferry Tour.
With his continued drive and dedication…
I’m picking Nicholas to be the top money winner this season.